I started writing a thing about the value of uncanny spaces (and how many there are in Saint Louis) but instead here’s a visual process of a quilt I made about one such uncanny space (our weird-ass house), which I think conveys the same point in much less time. The idea for this quilt… Continue reading Uncanny Spaces
Tag: Quilts
Practice Quilts
I decided to start quilting because I wanted a quilt for our new king sized bed and all the ones I found online were either ugly, expensive or both. I knocked out a simple quilt for Merlin to learn the basics, then realized I needed a lot of practice to make a large quilt that… Continue reading Practice Quilts
Airhead Work
Here are 576 half-square triangles, each measuring 4.5″ per side. That’s 64 each of nine separate colors, all planned off of a 70s-sunset-airbrushed-on-the-side-of-a-van color palette. Each pile started as 8 pairs of 10″ squares (cut from bolts of cloth), stitched twice crosswise: Those squares were then cut into 8 triangles: Which were then butterflied and… Continue reading Airhead Work
My First Quilt
I got into quilting because we finally had enough money to buy a real bed and high-quality mattress, which ended up being larger than the one we had used for years. We splurged on nice sheets but when we got to blankets we were unimpressed–they were all ugly, expensive or both. So I decided to… Continue reading My First Quilt
Crazy Quilt
This is my 8th quilt. It started as a backing for the quilt I made for Merlin, but it was too cool to use as a quilt backing and it seemed like it had some California vibes, specifically it seemed like it should go to our toddler friend Julia. The concept started with the… Continue reading Crazy Quilt
The Enemy of Done
I’m not sure if anyone actually wants to read about quilts so I tried to have some Ideas about it. There’s also photos of Merlin involved. The old saw you use on someone when you want them to hurry up, “Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good” has a lesser known corollary. Don’t… Continue reading The Enemy of Done